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Online Historical Weather Data Request

Our database of over 29 million quality-controlled historical weather observations provides coverage of all UK postcodes from January 1995 to the present day. Hourly, weekly and monthly Excel spreadsheets are available detailing exact temperature, wind speed and gusts, cloud cover, rainfall and weather type.

A FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL advice and support line is available in English or Cymraeg, 24 hours a day on 0800 955 0570 or +44 (0)1245 835004 (from non-BT or a mobile phone.)


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insurance claims INSURANCE CLAIMS (Residential storm damage, flooding and drainage issues)
road traffic incidents ROAD TRAFFIC INCIDENTS (Traffic and driving accidents and weather related offences)
renewable energy RENEWABLE ENERGY (Site location and planning of wind turbine and solar panels)
personal injury claims PERSONAL INJURY CLAIMS (Weather related falling, tripping or slipping accidents)
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historical weather data


WeatherLab in numbers...

29,000,000 UK weather observations

97,000,000 European weather observations

43,000 weather-related news articles

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